Here are five exciting words for those who see Canada as the Promised Land: Immigration Levels Plan for 2021-2023. The Canadian government hopes to welcome over 1.2 million new Canadian permanent residents in the next two years. International students in Canada will likely play a major role in helping the government achieve its immigration targets. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recently announced that the country aims to grant 401,000 Canadian permanent residence in 2021, 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000 in 2023.

The likely candidates to fill these targets? International students in Canadian universities who remain in the country after graduating. They stand to benefit from clear government pathways to immigration, according to Universities Canada director of research and external relations Wendy Therrien.

It starts with a study permit that allows international students to study in Canada and get a postgraduate work permit upon completing their studies. The postgraduate work permit is open and flexible, and allows students to work for any employer, at any location in Canada. International students who applied for their Canadian permanent residence after completing one year on a postgraduate work permit would make up a significant part of the IRCC’s targets, says Cosmina Morariu, senior manager of Fragomen, a leading law firm that deals with immigration services. “The maximum duration you can get on that permit is three years, so it is very convenient. The moment you have one year of employment in Canada you can apply for permanent residence,” she says.

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